
Leverage every touchpoint with Salesforce for retail stores

Implement Salesforce automation solutions for retail shops with Noltic to reach next-level flexibility, personalization, and customer service.
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Why Salesforce is a top choice for your retail business

Salesforce is a proven winner for retail businesses of all sizes.
of merchants see a positive ROI
boost in online sales for retail
minutes saved per service call

Salesforce implementation benefits for the retail industry

Salesforce retail solutions truly transform how you operate, engage with customers, and grow your business.
Unify shopping experiences across channels
Provide omnichannel commerce experiences by connecting offline and online touchpoints on a single platform. Make sure your customers reach you on every channel — whether a physical store, mobile app, or website.
Personalize marketing
Leverage Salesforce’s data analytics tools together with generative and predictive AI to personalize your marketing efforts. Join 29% of businesses fully using AI to understand their customers and deliver targeted messages.
Boost sales and conversions
Provide your sales team with AI-powered, real-time customer insights and sales pipeline automation tools. Leverage Salesforce to manage leads, track opportunities, and close deals faster and more effectively.
Enhance inventory management
Forget stockouts and overstocking with Salesforce for retail. Use intelligent inventory management solutions to optimize stock levels and ensure your customers always get the products they need.
Improve customer service
Provide your customers excellent service — 80% of them value it as much as your products. Build stronger relationships through faster response times and personalized interactions.
Leverage data-driven decision making
Make smarter retail decisions with Salesforce’s analytics tools and Einstein AI. Get a clear picture of customer behavior, sales trends, and marketing performance to optimize your operations and ensure long-term growth.
Automate routine tasks
Automate various routine tasks with Salesforce for the retail industry. Handle everything from order processing to inventory updates without human errors and focus on activities critical for your business.

Salesforce solutions for the retail industry

Sales Cloud

Leverage sales forecasting and replenishment capabilities, along with loyalty management features, to increase sales and improve shopping experiences.


Consolidate your back-office operations and manage cash flow effectively. Integrate financial processes and data for better control of your operations.

CRM Analytics

Get insights into customer behavior patterns and team performance to make more informed decisions regarding your sales, marketing, and other activities.

Service Cloud

Provide better customer service with Salesforce Field Service that simplifies order processing and mobile workforce management. Map every touchpoint with customer journey tracking.

Marketing Cloud

Create targeted marketing campaigns using omnichannel engagement strategies and unified customer data, including purchase history, loyalty program info, and personal preferences.

Custom Commerce Solutions

Go above and beyond with custom-built solutions like inventory management systems, mobile point-of-sale, barcode scanning, and ERP integrations.

Our Salesforce services for retail

Entrust Salesforce retail execution to Noltic’s experts. Tailor the solution to your unique needs, leveraging our comprehensive services.
Business processes discovery
System design and architecture
Salesforce configuration and customization
Quality assurance
Change management
Post-implementation support
Business processes discovery

Start Salesforce implementation for retail by evaluating your current business processes. Let our specialists study your goals and identify areas for improvement.

System design and architecture

Collaborate with us to design a Salesforce solution that matches your retail workflows. Ensure it integrates with your existing systems and is scalable enough to handle your operations.

Salesforce configuration and customization

Configure the CRM platform following your requirements. Develop retail apps for Salesforce or implement any other custom features to support your unique business processes.

Quality assurance

Test your Salesforce solution with us to ensure it works as intended. Find and resolve issues before deployment.

Change management

Handle changes that come with Salesforce implementation expertly. Rely on us to support you with employee training, ensuring your team is confident using the new system.


Deploy Salesforce retail CRM smoothly, with minimum downtime. Let our experts migrate data and make your system ready for immediate use.

Post-implementation support

Keep improving your Salesforce solution over time. Introduce new features, optimize workflows, or tackle issues with our team on board.

Why choose Noltic as a Salesforce partner for your retail business

Building a custom Salesforce app, handling Salesforce migration, or tailoring CRM to your retail processes — regardless of your ultimate goal, we at Noltic can tackle that.

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certified architects

Success stories of our clients

Experience Cloud, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud

Improving order processing and customer care for eManualOnline

Explore how we migrated from Magento to Salesforce, built a live chat, and optimized order and refund processes for a digital repair manuals retailer. See our efforts resulted in 50% faster response times and improved employee efficiency.

“They offered a more well-rounded service than what we experienced and had native Ukrainian-speaking developers, which hugely helped as our web development team is also Ukrainian.”

COO at eManualOnline
Abi Raza
Learn more

Enhancing accounting for an outdoor living appliances provider

Check out how Noltic implemented Accounting Seed into our client’s processes to streamline finance and order management. Witness how our services helped our client achieve 5x revenue growth within one year.

“All resources have a very professional attitude and an excellent English level.”
Project Manager
Appointment Booking Solution for Retail
/ Start a Salesforce project

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How can Salesforce CRM help me increase sales?
Using Salesforce retail solutions lets you boost your sales in several ways:
  • Improved customer insights. Get a 360-degree view of your customers, including their purchase history and preferences, to provide more targeted offers.
  • Streamlined sales process. Use Sales Cloud to automate sales pipelines and manage inventory more effectively.
  • Targeted marketing. Create personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with your customers and encourage them to buy from you.
What is involved in implementing Salesforce CRM?
To implement Salesforce retail CRM, follow these steps:
  1. Analyze your current business processes.
  2. Work with Salesforce experts to design the system’s architecture.
  3. Configure and customize Salesforce to match your retail requirements.
  4. Test your platform to ensure it works flawlessly.
  5. Prepare your team for the switch to the new CRM.
  6. Deploy Salesforce and improve it over time.
Is Salesforce CRM complex to use?
Salesforce is generally considered a user-friendly CRM. The platform offers an intuitive interface and numerous educational resources, including Trailhead — a community where you can learn new Salesforce skills.
However, if your Salesforce project is complex and involves extensive data migration or custom functionalities, you may require technical expertise. Luckily, you can always get the necessary help from Noltic.
How much does Salesforce CRM cost? 
The cost of Salesforce CRM largely depends on the number of products (typically Salesforce Clouds) you aim to use. Furthermore, each product comes with different pricing plans. For example, Sales Cloud may cost you from $25/mo to $500/mo for one user. And the list goes on. To get an accurate estimate of Salesforce CRM, reach out to Noltic for a consultation.
Is my customer data secure with Salesforce CRM?
For sure! Salesforce takes data security very seriously. Their website uses SSL technology that protects your info through data encryption and server authentication. The platform also leverages strict access controls, ensuring only authorized users can access specific data based on their roles and permissions. Ultimately, Salesforce complies with various data privacy regulations to deliver ironclad security.