January 22, 2024

Unlocking business synergy: mastering Slack to Salesforce integration

Discover how the integration of Slack and Salesforce can unlock significant business synergy and streamline your team's communication and workflow.
person using slack app on a laptop

Success in the dynamic world of business greatly depends on effective communication and smooth teamwork. That's where the power of Slack to Salesforce integration enters the game.

Understanding Slack and Salesforce

Salesforce and Slack share a history dating back to January 2021, when Salesforce paid an astounding $27.7 billion to acquire Slack. Slack to Salesforce integration can save sales teams $2.6 million in service ticket savings, $2.6 million in faster deal closure, and 338% in three-year return on investment, according to Forrester's The Total Economic Impact Study.

Both Salesforce and Slack are powerful business technologies on their own.


Slack is a cloud-based collaboration tool that has changed the way teams communicate and work together from small startups to multinational corporations. By bringing together different channels of communication such as chat, video and voice calls, file sharing, and integration with third-party tools, Slack allows team members to collaborate seamlessly and efficiently. This not only leads to faster decision-making but also ensures that all team members are aligned and on the same page.

Slack offers a plethora of benefits for communication and collaboration:

  • reduces the need for email communication, which can be time-consuming and inefficient. With its real-time messaging system, Slack allows team members to communicate quickly and easily, giving them the freedom to share thoughts, ideas, and feedback on the go;
  • offers a range of integrations with other tools and platforms such as Google Drive, Trello, and Asana, among others. This integration makes it easier for team members to collaborate and share information across different platforms, without the need for constant switching between them;
  • ensures advanced security measures, ensuring that all data shared on the platform is secure and protected. It also offers a range of customization options, allowing teams to tailor the interface and notifications to their specific needs.


Salesforce is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) cloud software that is designed to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout an organization. There are many features and benefits to using Salesforce that make it an ideal solution for businesses looking to streamline their CRM and business management processes with:

  • the ability to automate various workflows and tasks within a business. This is accomplished through the platform's many features such as lead generation, assignment rules, and automated email responses. These automated features help to ensure that every lead and customer interaction is handled promptly and efficiently, which ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction and a more streamlined sales process;
  • integration capabilities with other popular business tools and software such as Zapier, Hubspot, and Slack. These integrations allow businesses to connect Salesforce with other tools they use regularly, creating a cohesive and efficient workflow that can help increase productivity and reduce errors;
  • reporting and analytics features allow businesses to closely monitor sales, marketing, and customer service data, providing valuable insights into areas that may require improvement. Additionally, Salesforce's analytics features let businesses dig deeper into customer behavior patterns and better understand what actions are leading to successful sales conversions.

How Slack and Salesforce complement each other

While they serve different purposes, Slack and Salesforce complement each other in several ways. Slack can integrate with Salesforce, allowing users to receive updates and notifications about customer data, sales leads, and other business-related information. This integration enables sales and customer service teams to stay connected and informed in real time, which can increase productivity and improve customer satisfaction.

Another way these technologies can benefit one another is through collaboration. Slack can serve as a virtual workspace for teams to share ideas and collaborate on projects. Salesforce can integrate with Slack to help teams work together more efficiently, regardless of their location. With Salesforce, a sales team can stay on top of customer information, while collaborating with other teams such as marketing, product development, and support. Slack helps to keep everyone on the same page.

Finally, both tools have potent analytics capabilities. Salesforce offers powerful data analytics to help businesses make informed decisions about their customers and sales processes. Slack can integrate with Salesforce to provide insights into team collaboration, communication patterns, and productivity. This information can be invaluable in identifying areas for improvement and making data-driven decisions.

The basics of integration

Throughout the day, various events occur in different systems. An opportunity progresses to the next stage, an agent logs a case, or a marketer approves creative for a campaign. Slack can bring these events to your attention, helping you stay focused and allowing you to take quick action through automated workflows and integrated apps and tools.

Naturally, the significance of these events and how you respond to them depend on your line of business. Sales teams need to dedicate more time to selling and building stronger customer relationships. The support organization should prioritize solving customer problems. And marketers need to monitor campaign performance closely.

Integration between the two platforms allows for a seamless flow of information between departments, teams, and external stakeholders. For instance, sales teams can use Slack to communicate with each other and collaborate on deals in real-time, while also having the ability to update and access customer and lead data from Salesforce within the same platform. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and minimizes the risk of errors, saving valuable time and resources.

Technical prerequisites for integration

When it comes to integrating Slack with Salesforce, the process is a little different compared to other apps. You will need access to the Salesforce API, which is compatible with Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Editions of Salesforce. For a smooth experience, Slack recommends adding the Slack app to Salesforce in sandbox or development mode first. Test all the functions thoroughly before proceeding with the installation in your production Salesforce instance.

The integration requires certain technical prerequisites to be met before setting up the integration process. They form the necessary foundation for the integration to work smoothly:

  • API Access: Both Slack and Salesforce need to have API access to establish communication between them. Without API access, the integration process cannot go through, and data synchronization between the two platforms will not be possible.
  • Authentication: Salesforce requires a valid OAuth token to authenticate and allow access to its resources. Slack has several authentication methods, including OAuth and Bot tokens.
  • Permissions: The Salesforce user who connects to Slack must have the necessary permissions to access the relevant data. This involves ensuring that the user has access to the objects and fields needed for the integration to be successful.
  • Data Mapping: Data mapping is the process of establishing a relationship between data sources from different systems. It is a crucial prerequisite in ensuring that data transferred from Slack to Salesforce is correctly mapped, and the correct information is available in the respective fields.
  • Customizations: Customizations may be required to ensure that the integration fits the specific business needs. This includes creating customized workflows and triggers to provide additional functionality and automation to the integration.

Step-by-step guide to integrating Slack with Salesforce

We will guide you through the integration one step at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the process.

Step 1.  Installing the Salesforce app for Slack

Install the Salesforce App for Slack effortlessly from the Slack App Directory. Be sure to select the appropriate workspace in the workspace switcher at the top of your screen. If you cannot locate it, simply click “More” instead of “Apps” in the left sidebar.

  1. Sign in to your Slack workspace.
  2. Access the app search page by clicking on “Add apps” on the left.
  3. Search for the Salesforce app in the search box.
  4. Click on “Add” under Salesforce to go to the app directory page, then tap on “Add to Slack” to start the installation process.
  5. Scroll down the page and click on “Add to Slack”.
  6. Grant the necessary permissions by clicking “Allow”.

The Salesforce app is now installed on your Slack account and can be found under the Apps heading in your workspace. With this step complete, let's move on to the next one.

Step 2: Installing the Slack app for Salesforce

Please note that for this step you will need a Salesforce System Admin due to necessary permissions. You can either install it from the Salesforce app management page or directly from the Salesforce AppExchange (managed package). Simply click the “Get it now” button and log in to your Salesforce org/Sandbox.

Here's a more detailed overview of this step:

  1. Sign in to your Salesforce account.
  2. Access the App section by clicking on the menu icon.
  3. Go to AppExchange by clicking on “Visit AppExchange”.
  4. Search for Slack in the search box.
  5. Click “Get Now” on the bottom right.

After signing in to your account once more, click “Open Login Screen”. You will then have to choose whether to install the Slack app directly to your production environment or test it in a sandbox first (Salesforce recommends the latest). After the installation process, you will receive an email notification and be directed to the “Installed Packages” page in Salesforce Setup.

Step 3: Connecting Slack and Salesforce accounts

Now that you have installed the apps, you can complete the integration by connecting the accounts. Here's how to do it:

  1. Head over to your Slack workspace and click on the Salesforce icon located in the Apps section.
  2. Tap on the “Connect Account” under the “Connect your Salesforce account” heading.
  3. Slack may request certain permissions. Click “Allow” to grant access.
  4. The Salesforce app may also ask for permission to access your Slack account. Hit “Allow”.

Once you've granted the necessary permissions, your Slack and Salesforce accounts will be seamlessly connected. Let’s see what you can do in Salesforce using Slack.

Step 4: Sharing Salesforce records in Slack

One of the key benefits of using Salesforce and Slack together is the ability to share Salesforce records directly from within Slack. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the channel where you want to share the Salesforce record. You can share records in any channel, including private and group.
  2. Type “/salesforce” followed by the name of the record you want to share. You can search for records by name, ID, or other relevant criteria.
  3. Select the record you want to share from the search results. This will display a preview of the record, including key details such as the customer name, contact information, and sales data.
  4. Customize the message or add any comments you want to include with the record. This will provide context for your team members and help them understand why you're sharing the record.
  5. Hit “Send” to send the record to the selected channel. Your team members will be able to view the record directly in Slack, without having to switch back and forth between Salesforce and Slack.

You can also share records directly with individual team members or groups. To do this, you can simply type “@username” or “@groupname” followed by the name of the record you want to share. This will automatically share the record with the selected individual or group.

Step 5: Setting up alerts in Slack

Once your accounts are connected, you can start customizing your alerts. In Salesforce, go to the “Setup” menu and click on “Notification Builder”. From here, you can select which notifications you want to receive in Slack. You can choose from a variety of alerts, such as when a new lead is assigned to you, when a deal closes, or when a customer submits a support ticket.

To receive these notifications in Slack, you will need to create an alert in Salesforce and select the “Slack” delivery method. To do this, go to the “Alerts” tab in Salesforce and click on “New Alert”. Select the type of alert you want to create, then scroll down to the “Delivery Options” section. Select the “Slack” delivery method and choose which Slack channel you want to receive the alert in.

Once you've set up your alerts, you can sit back and let Salesforce do the work. Whenever a new alert is triggered, you'll receive a notification in Slack, helping you stay updated and informed on your work. This integration helps streamline your communication efforts and increase productivity, allowing you to focus on what matters most - your customers.

Step 6: Setting up Slack channel alerts for Salesforce record updates

This step ensures a great way to keep your team up-to-date on any relevant changes in your Salesforce app. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Open the Salesforce app and tap on the lightning bolt icon.
  2. Select the Salesforce app from the dropdown menu to access it.
  3. Next, click on “Add/edit” alerts for a channel.
  4. Select the channel you want to send updates.
  5. Find the appropriate entry from the list of options.
  6. Tap on the “Add” to [channel name] after clicking on the “View” record.
  7. Choose the alerts you wish to send to the specified channel and click “Save”.

Step 7: Setting up bulk alerts in Slack

Using bulk alerts offers a convenient way to stay updated on specific records in Slack channels. Keep in mind that excessive alerts and irrelevant information can hinder the identification of important messages.

Setting up bulk alerts is quick and easy:

  1. Access the Salesforce app within your Slack workspace.
  2. Navigate to the Home tab and select “Click Bulk Alert”.
  3. Choose the desired Slack channel to receive the bulk alerts.
  4. Select the record type you wish to monitor.
  5. Click “Add To Channel” and save your settings.

Addressing common issues during integration

One prevalent issue that organizations may encounter during Slack to Salesforce integration is the duplication of data in both platforms. This can confuse team members and lead to inaccuracies in customer information. To address this issue, it is recommended to set up rules that will prevent duplication of records. The use of unique identifiers such as email addresses can help maintain data integrity.

Another issue is the discrepancy in data between Salesforce and Slack. This occurs when data is updated in one platform but not in the other, leading to inconsistencies in information. It is crucial to ensure that data is synchronized and updated in real-time to maintain consistency across platforms.

Security concerns may also arise during Slack to Salesforce integration. Sensitive customer information can be shared during team conversations on Slack, posing a threat to data security. To mitigate this risk, configure Slack settings to prevent the sharing of confidential data. Access control policies should be implemented to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive customer information.

Maximizing the benefits of integration

When these two platforms come together, businesses can expect impressive yields:

  • By using a simple set of commands, employees can easily search for and access Salesforce records directly from Slack, without the need for cumbersome data transfers or time-consuming manual updates.
  • With centralized access to essential information, updates to records can be quickly made and annotated with notes and references for better collaboration and future reference. Not only does this drive effective communication throughout your organization, but it also removes traditional data silos, eliminating work barriers and promoting seamless integration with other business applications and technologies.
  • The integration offers significantly improved engagement and alignment of business processes across your entire organization. This results in higher productivity as employees can easily stay on top of important events and milestone processes with in-time automated notifications and alerts within both the Slack and Salesforce applications.
  • The creation of a consolidated and secure collaborative space allows for more effective communication and collaboration, promoting a culture of innovation and creativity. Furthermore, the ability to build custom apps on the platform with low-code and no-code functionalities increases the flexibility of your organization's technological infrastructure, helping to future-proof your business.
  • Finally, accessing the combined ecosystem of over 8,000 apps compatible with Salesforce and Slack offers limitless opportunities for your team, allowing them to develop new processes and workflows that are customized to their specific needs while remaining connected to the broader enterprise.

Case studies and success stories

The integration of these two platforms has proven to be a game-changer for many organizations.


The popular streaming service Hulu is known for its innovative approaches to enhancing customer experiences. The company integrated Slack and Salesforce to streamline its customer service operations by enabling its support team to receive notifications and updates from Salesforce cases directly in Slack channels. This integration has helped Hulu to improve its response times and provide better customer service to its users.


The sharing accomodation giant, Airbnb, integrated Salesforce and Slack to enable its customer service team to retrieve customer data and support requests from Salesforce and communicate with other team members in real time via Slack channels. The integration has helped Airbnb to improve the quality of its customer service and reduce response times, resulting in higher customer satisfaction rates.


The popular men's grooming brand, Harry's, integrated Salesforce and Slack to improve its marketing operations. The company's marketing team can now receive updates and notifications from Salesforce campaigns in their Slack channels, allowing them to stay up-to-date and make informed decisions quickly. This integration has helped Harry's to improve its marketing strategies, resulting in increased sales and revenue.


The information services provider, EBSCO, integrated Salesforce and Slack to enhance its sales operations. The integration allows EBSCO's sales team to collaborate seamlessly across different departments, access customer data, and receive real-time updates on sales opportunities from Salesforce, all within Slack channels. The integration has helped EBSCO to streamline its sales processes, resulting in increased efficiency and higher sales conversions.


One of the most notable examples of Salesforce and Slack integration is the software company, HubSpot. The company integrated Slack with its Salesforce CRM to automatically notify the sales team of new leads and opportunities. This integration resulted in a 25% increase in lead response time and a 10% increase in sales meetings booked, ultimately leading to a 26% increase in overall revenue.


Another example comes from the fitness startup, ClassPass. The company integrated Salesforce with Slack to facilitate communication between sales representatives and customer support teams. This integration allowed for a more efficient and seamless handoff of customer inquiries and helped reduce response time by 30%.

Beyond the specific impacts of these integrations, there are two major lessons learned. One key lesson is the importance of clearly defining roles and responsibilities among team members. This includes establishing communication protocols, setting clear expectations, and training team members on new tools and processes. Another best practice is to prioritize data accuracy and consistency across both platforms. This means ensuring that data entered into Salesforce is mirrored in Slack and that any changes or updates made in one platform are accurately reflected in the other.

Advanced features and customizations

In addition to the basic functions offered by Slack Salesforce integration, several advanced features can streamline your workflow and enhance UX:

  • Creating new tasks within Salesforce directly from Slack workspace saves time and effort, and ensures that important tasks are not missed.
  • Sales teams often collaborate closely on lead and opportunity management. By integrating Salesforce with Slack, they can share these records with colleagues instantly, making collaboration more effective.
  • When using Salesforce apps, users can sometimes get stuck or require assistance. With Salesforce integration, they can access the help they need directly from Slack by typing “/Salesforce help [app name]”.
  • Linking to Salesforce records in Slack messages and threads can be a great way to provide context for discussions, track progress on projects, and facilitate collaboration among team members.
  • Leveraging Salesforce’s AI capabilities with Slack’s communication platform offers a plethora of benefits in terms of improving team collaboration and streamlining workflows. Salesforce’s world-class AI technology, called Einstein, brings advanced predictive analytics to the table, enhancing the effectiveness of Slack's communication platform.

Customizing the integration can cater to various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and retail. Custom workflows can be set up to manage specific business processes, such as patient referrals for healthcare organizations, investment opportunities for finance firms, or customer orders for retail companies.

For small and medium-sized businesses, a customized integration can be set up to automate routine tasks, such as creating new leads or contacts from Slack messages. For larger businesses and enterprises, customizing the integration can provide a more personalized experience for users. For instance, admins can tailor the integration to match the unique needs of various departments within the org and ensure that each team's workflows and processes are optimized for maximum efficiency. Additionally, businesses can use advanced automation options such as triggers, queues, and workflows to streamline operations and improve customer experience.

Lastly, the Salesforce and Slack integration provides sales reps with a unified workspace that enables them to collaborate on deals and customer opportunities. They can quickly access customer profiles and streamline their workflow with automated updates, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and allowing for more focus on closing deals.

Future trends and evolving integration capabilities

Slack and Salesforce integration has generated considerable attention since the collaboration platform's acquisition by Salesforce. In the coming years, with tighter integration across both platforms, we can expect workflows that will allow users to streamline processes. This will enable companies to leverage Slack’s messaging capabilities along with Salesforce's automation tools to automate tasks, alert systems, and notifications keeping the entire team on track. This can help to improve team collaboration, boost productivity, and drive business growth.

Experts believe that the integration will provide agents with a complete view of customer interactions and give them real-time insights to improve relationships. Integrating Slack with Salesforce’s ecosystem could allow companies to connect customer data from different sources to empower organizations with valuable knowledge about their customers. Business leaders will find new ways to develop and deploy applications, creating new methods to integrate with other tools, and allowing companies to unlock the potential of cloud technologies.

Another change to look for in the future is more AI-enabled automation. As AI advances, businesses will be able to use ML to gain a deeper understanding of customers and their buying behaviors. This technology can help to identify patterns, anticipate consumer needs, and deliver personalized services and products.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates regarding Slack and Salesforce.

Viktoriia Melnychuk
Content writer
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