February 24, 2024
About Noltic

The full-scale war in Ukraine marks two years of exceptional bravery

A message from Noltic with gratitude, sorrow, and hope.
Coat of arms of Ukraine

This day, two years ago at 3:40 am, Ukrainians awoke to the sound of explosions as Russia invaded Ukraine. Our hearts weigh heavy as we acknowledge the full-scale war against Ukraine that has unfolded since then.

Today, we remember everyone we lost in the war. As a business, we stand with Ukraine and call for Russia’s lawful accountability for all crimes, attacks, and acts against the Ukrainian people and humanity. We support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as all activists and volunteers in their fight for freedom and a sovereign Ukraine.

Despite the challenges for our business, we persist in our work and growth. While minimizing risks for our clients and expanding our team to other countries, we also managed to retain our entire Ukrainian team. We are grateful to all our partners and clients for their solidarity with Ukrainians expressed in various ways.

If you wish to contribute to Ukraine's victory, please continue spreading the word, supporting Ukraine's cause in your countries and governments, conducting business with Ukrainian companies and specialists, and investing in Ukraine. We kindly ask for your donations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Every word, act and donation, regardless of size, makes a significant impact.

Slava Ukraїni! 🇺🇦

Igor Petrovych
Noltic's manager of managers, 12x Salesforce certified architect
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March 7, 2022
About Noltic
We stand by the principles of free and sovereign Ukraine
Today, during the war in 2022, we continue to deliver Salesforce solutions by providing a high-quality service. We are open to new clients and will be especially glad to hire those who lost their jobs because of the war. putin’s terrorism should not have a place in the world.
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