November 18, 2023

Salesforce vs Zendesk

Explore the differences between Salesforce and Zendesk to determine which CRM platform best suits your business needs.
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In the fast-paced world of customer relationship management (CRM), there are two major players that consistently rise to the top: Salesforce and Zendesk. As essential pillars of the modern business ecosystem, these platforms can make or break the way companies manage their customer engagement, sales, and service processes. For CRM professionals, sales teams, and customer service managers, the decision to adopt either Salesforce or Zendesk is a pivotal one. Each platform offers a unique set of tools tailored to different business needs and cost structures.

Salesforce, a cloud-based software company, is renowned for its CRM platform and comprehensive suite that spans across various business functions — from sales and customer service to marketing and analytics. Known for innovation, its platform is one of the most customizable and scalable solutions in the market.

On the other hand, Zendesk carved a niche by focusing on customer service and support. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features have made it a go-to for businesses looking to revamp their support operations.

Understanding the core features

Selecting the right CRM is a decision that carries significant implications for a company's customer management strategy. It not only affects daily operations but also plays a part in shaping the entire customer experience and the efficiency of sales and service teams. The platform you choose will influence the way you manage customer data, drive sales, and deliver service, which ultimately impacts your bottom line.

A CRM must offer comprehensive features to streamline customer interactions. Here’s a detailed look at each platform’s core offerings.

Salesforce is synonymous with robust CRM features. Its vast ecosystem not only offers the standard components related to sales, marketing, and service but also provides extensive customization through its AppExchange marketplace, which hosts over 7,000 applications designed to integrate seamlessly with Salesforce.

  • Sales Cloud: As the world’s #1 sales application, it allows sales teams to manage their accounts, leads, opportunities, and forecasts. The intelligent sales platform provides a holistic view of customer data and real-time sales insight.
  • Service Cloud: Designed for customer service and support, Service Cloud empowers service agents to have a 360-degree view of the customer, delivers smarter, faster, and more personalized service, and includes features such as live messaging, AI chatbots, and advanced analytics.
  • Marketing Cloud: This platform provides personalized engagement with a 360-degree view of the customer. It helps in planning and optimizing the customer journey and maximizing the ROI through customer insights.

Zendesk’s offering centers around customer service solutions, but its capabilities and the Zendesk Suite have expanded to cover sales and customer support along with a dedicated solution for developing and managing a self-service knowledge base for customers.

  • Support Suite: Provides multi-channel support and includes a ticket system to track and manage large volumes of customer service inquiries across different channels like email, chat, phone, and social media.
  • Guide: This is a tool for developing and managing a self-service knowledge base for customers, providing a portal for customers to find answers to common questions and troubleshoot issues on their own.
  • Sell: An integrated sales CRM software that is simple and easy to use, allowing sales teams to sell more with less work and providing them with more time to focus on their customers.

Tailoring to business needs

While both platforms offer sales and customer service solutions, they are often positioned differently in the market based on which business profiles they tend to serve best.

Salesforce’s fit for enterprise solutions

Salesforce has traditionally been seen as the gold standard for large enterprises due to its scalability and customizability. Its wide range of tools and integrations makes it a top choice for complex sales cycles and a multitude of customer service needs. It excels in industries where regulatory compliance is crucial, such as finance and healthcare, offering robust options for data security and privacy compliance.

Zendesk’s strengths for customer support

Zendesk is particularly well geared toward customer support, especially in the realm of cloud-based solutions. Its user-friendly interface and emphasis on seamless customer care make it a popular choice for smaller to mid-sized businesses. Zendesk’s modern and intuitive design makes onboarding and training new customer support staff a breeze.

Cost considerations

The cost of CRM platforms can vary significantly depending on the scalability, features, and the number of users.

Salesforce offers a variety of pricing models. The most popular plans include the Starter,  Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions, each with a per-user monthly subscription fee. Additional costs may include fees for add-ons or consulting services for custom development.

Zendesk also offers different pricing tiers such as Essential, Team, Professional, and Enterprise, with varying costs based on the number of agents and the support channels required. There are also add-ons like a proactive engagement tool, which can be added to any plan for an extra cost.

For businesses on a budget, evaluating the total cost of ownership is crucial. It’s not just about the monthly subscription fees but also implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance costs.

User experience and interface

The UX/UI of a CRM can greatly influence daily usability and staff productivity. In an industry where employee turnover is not uncommon, having a platform that is easy to learn and use is a significant advantage.

Salesforce’s UI is known for being highly customizable but can be complex, particularly for new users. It requires a bit of a learning curve to fully utilize its capabilities. Navigational enhancements and a cleaner user interface have been introduced in recent updates to address these challenges.

Zendesk stands out with its clean and intuitive UI, which promotes user adoption. The straightforward design and ease of navigation mean that new users can quickly become proficient in using the system, reducing training time and increasing productivity.

Integration capabilities

Salesforce’s AppExchange is a treasure trove for businesses looking to extend their CRM capabilities. Its vast ecosystem allows companies to connect Salesforce with many other applications like ERP systems, email marketing platforms, and various analytics tools. The platform also offers a range of APIs, making custom integration development fairly straightforward for businesses with adequate technical resources.

Zendesk too has a comprehensive range of integrations that allow users to connect their support interactions with various platforms. Its API provides a good selection of endpoints for connecting the CRM with other apps and systems. While its ecosystem may not be as extensive as Salesforce’s, it covers most needs for mid-sized businesses.

Data security and privacy

When dealing with sensitive customer data, it’s imperative to select a CRM platform that offers the highest level of security and compliance that fits your business needs and industry requirements.

Salesforce’s multi-tenant architecture is designed with security in mind. It provides a number of built-in security features and tools, including data encryption, audit trails, and robust identity management. Its compliance covers a wide range of international standards, giving peace of mind to businesses operating on a global scale.

Likewise, Zendesk provides a good set of security features, such as two-factor authentication, encryption at rest, and well-documented security policies. It is also compliant with many industry standards and regulations, but its focus on support services means that its set of security certifications is narrower compared to Salesforce.

Performance and reliability

When it comes to business operations, the performance and reliability of software systems are crucial for smooth workflows.

Salesforce boasts an impressive track record of uptime and reliability, with a reported 99.9% uptime in 2020. This means that the platform was available and fully functional for the majority of the year, ensuring that businesses could access their critical data and tools without interruption. It has multiple data centers spread across the globe, providing redundancy and backup to further enhance reliability.

Zendesk is known for its robust system performance. The platform is built on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS), which ensures reliable and scalable cloud infrastructure. According to Zendesk’s own performance metrics, the platform has an average response time of under 200 milliseconds, ensuring fast and efficient access to customer support tools.

Community and support

The level and quality of support available in a CRM can make a significant difference, especially during the initial setup and any subsequent customizations or troubleshooting.

Salesforce’s wide range of support options caters to users of all kinds. From standard support tickets and phone support to a comprehensive knowledge base and community, the company is committed to helping its users succeed. It also organizes events and training programs, including the popular “Dreamforce” conference, which provides users with the opportunity to learn and network.

Zendesk also offers a variety of support options, including a well-maintained knowledge base, support tickets, and a community forum. It hosts “Zendesk Showcase” events, which bring together the community and provide insights into how to get the most out of the platform. While smaller than Salesforce’s, Zendesk’s community is still an engaged and valuable resource for users.

Decision-making factors

Looking at these comprehensive platforms, the right choice can be daunting. Here are the steps to help you navigate through the decision-making process:

  1. Define Your CRM Needs: start with a clear understanding of what features and capabilities are most important for your business.
  2. Do a Side-by-Side Feature Comparison: list the most critical features for your business and evaluate how each platform's offerings stack up.
  3. Consider Cost and Total Value: compare the subscription costs and the total cost of ownership, including any potential additional costs for customization, integration, and ongoing support.
  4. Evaluate User Experience: arrange for a hands-on demo or trial to assess the user experience and the ease of use for your team.
  5. Examine the Integration Ecosystems: check if the platform integrates well with your existing systems and if it offers enough flexibility for future integrations.
  6. Assess Support and Training: look into the available support options, training resources, and their availability to ensure your team can get the help they need.
  7. Factor in Security and Compliance: ensure the platform meets your industry’s security and compliance requirements to avoid any potential risks of data breaches or non-compliance fines.
  8. Consider the Business Ecosystem: think about the existing partnerships and solutions that align with each CRM and how they can benefit your organization.
  9. Engage Stakeholders: involve your CRM users, IT team, and other key stakeholders in the decision-making process to gather different perspectives and ensure buy-in.
  10. Plan for Scalability: ensure the chosen CRM can grow with your business and handle increased volumes of data and users without significant reconfiguration.

Comparative analysis

Salesforce offers a wide range of features, including sales automation, lead management, marketing automation, customer service, and analytics. Salesforce helps businesses manage their sales pipeline, from lead generation to closing deals. The platform’s lead management tools help track and manage their leads while marketing automation tools facilitate marketing efforts. In contrast, Zendesk offers a more streamlined feature set focused on customer service and support. The platform helps businesses to create, track, and manage support tickets, while its knowledge base feature allows businesses to create a searchable database of customer support articles.

Both Salesforce and Zendesk offer strong analytics capabilities. However, Salesforce’s analytics tools are more robust and customizable, allowing businesses to create custom reports and dashboards to fit their specific needs. In terms of ease of use, Zendesk is generally considered to be more intuitive and user-friendly than Salesforce. Zendesk’s interface is designed with the end-user in mind, making it easier for businesses to train their customer support teams on the platform. Salesforce, on the other hand, can be overwhelming for new users due to its extensive feature set and complex customization options.

Finally, when considering value, it is important to note that Salesforce is typically more expensive than Zendesk. However, Salesforce's extensive feature set and customization options may justify the additional cost for businesses with complex sales and marketing operations. Conversely, businesses focused solely on customer support may find Zendesk to be a more affordable and effective solution.

Viktoriia Melnychuk
Content writer
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