July 7, 2023

Salesforce Case Management

Demonstrating the basics of Salesforce Case Management.
customer support representatives at work

Salesforce's Service Cloud makes it possible to automate customer support service activities with the help of its two key elements - Case and Solution. The goal is to develop personalized marketing relationships with each customer across various channels and devices. Service Cloud is built around Cases used to monitor and manage a customer's questions, feedback, or issues. That makes Case Management an essential aspect of customer support for businesses and organizations. Let us explain it in more detail.

What is Salesforce Case Management?

The purpose of Case Management is to centralize customer inquiries and requests, provide a unified view of customer interactions, and facilitate collaboration among different teams to resolve issues quickly. A Case typically encompasses a customer's request for support, service, or information regarding a product or service. It includes all the relevant information about the customer - name, contact details, and the nature of their request.

Customer support agents can easily create, classify, and assign cases to the right team member or group by automating several steps in the case management procedure: service reps can automatically allocate cases to the correct team member based on preset rules and criteria. Ensuring the right team member with the required competence handles the cases improves response times and customer satisfaction.

Features of Salesforce Case Management

Here are some of the key features of Salesforce Case Management:

  • Case assignment and routing: automatic assignment and routing ensure customer inquiries are directed to the right agent or department. This feature is particularly useful for teams that handle high customer inquiries and must distribute workload evenly.
  • Case escalation: configuring escalation rules will automatically trigger notifications and alerts when cases are unresolved within a specified time frame. Thus, customer requests are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Omni-channel routing: organizations can manage customer inquiries across multiple channels like email, phone, chat, social media, and more. The goal is to respond to inquiries quickly, regardless of the channel.
  • SLA tracking: organizations set and measure performance against service level agreements. This feature provides insights into overall customer service performance and helps identify areas for improvement.
  • Email-to-case and web-to-case: automatic case creation from customer emails and web forms helps streamline the case creation process and reduces manual data entry.

Benefits of using Salesforce Case Management

Salesforce Case Management is a well-rounded solution designed to help businesses deliver top-notch customer service and support. Below are some of the key benefits of using Salesforce Case Management:

  • With Salesforce Case Management, businesses can automate and streamline their case management processes. Cases are centralized, making it easier for agents to track, prioritize, and assign work to ensure timely follow-up and resolution. This helps reduce response and turnaround times, focus on more complex cases, and increase productivity.
  • Case Management offers an “omnichannel” approach for customers: they can reach out over multiple channels, including email, phone, chat, social media, and more. Businesses thus deliver a consistent support experience across channels.
  • Detailed reporting and analytics allow agents and managers to track key metrics such as response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction scores. This helps businesses identify trends and areas for improvement, enabling them to optimize their case management processes.
  • Salesforce Case Management is integrated with other Salesforce services, such as Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, and third-party applications. The goal is to provide a more personalized and integrated customer experience across all touchpoints. Additionally, easy access to customer information from other Salesforce services enables teams to resolve cases quickly.

How to set up Case Management in Salesforce

Follow these simple steps to set up Case Management in Salesforce:

  1. Define your case management process: identify the specific types of cases you want to track and the stages they go through. Establish how cases will be assigned, how they will be escalated, and how they will be resolved. This is crucial because it will determine how you set up Salesforce’s Case management features to meet your business’s unique needs.
  2. Set up Case Automation: Salesforce provides a range of features and automation tools to help manage cases. You can automate case creation, routing, and escalation based on specific criteria, such as priority or case type. Make sure to take advantage of these features to ensure that cases are managed efficiently and consistently.
  3. Customize Case Page Layouts: include the relevant fields and information in your cases based on your business’s requirements. A well-designed page layout can make case management more efficient.
  4. Configure Case Assignment Rules: this is necessary to automatically assign cases to the right agent based on specific criteria, such as language skills or case type. This is how cases are assigned to the most appropriate agent, maximizing their chances of resolution.
  5. Create Knowledge Base Articles: your agents need to quickly search and access relevant information to resolve cases. Articles can answer FAQs, address common issues, and help agents provide prompt, accurate responses.
  6. Train Your Team: your team has to be adequately trained and familiar with Salesforce’s Case Management features and processes. All in all, service reps need to feel comfortable with the system.
  7. Monitor, Analyze, and Adapt: Salesforce’s powerful analytics tools help identify trends and areas for improvement. Use these insights to improve your Case Management process continuously.

Case Management automation in Salesforce

Process Builder, Workflow, and Approval Processes are robust Salesforce native tools for Case Management Automation. Process Builder is a visual automation tool that can design and execute processes that automate complex business scenarios. It allows users to automate multiple steps with a point-and-click interface, making it easier for organizations to streamline their business operations.

Workflows are ideal for automating simple processes like repetitive tasks like sending email alerts or updating fields with straightforward criteria. Workflows use rule-based criteria to trigger automated actions. It provides flexibility in defining a set of actions based on specific conditions.

The Approval Processes tool streamlines the review and approval of different business-related processes for different actions, such as creating a new record, updating an existing one, or deleting one. Users can set up multiple approval steps with different approver criteria, and the process can be customized further with email templates and visual displays.

These tools automate time-consuming tasks and ensure consistent quality across Salesforce case management automation processes, like

  • case creation - automation helps create cases automatically when a customer fills out a web form or sends an email
  • case escalation - an automated escalation process can be triggered based on business rules when a case remains unresolved for an extended period
  • case routing - it ensures that the right support agent handles the case by routing it based on criteria such as skill, language, or availability
  • case closure - this process reduces the time between case resolution and notifying the customer.
  • case deflection - keeps customers from contacting support agents for common issues that can easily be resolved through a knowledge base or self-service portal
  • case prioritization - helps prioritize cases based on impact and urgency to ensure critical cases receive priority and fast resolution.

Customizing Salesforce Case Management

Every business has unique requirements and workflows, which may not align with the out-of-the-box features of the Salesforce Case Management system. Customization is all about the workflows and the performance of your business. When you tailor the Salesforce platform to your unique requirements, data analysis turns out to be more effective.

But how do you start the customization process? Start by assessing your business processes and workflows to identify areas where Case Management could be customized to meet the specific needs of your business. The Case Record page contains all the relevant information about a customer case, including status, priority, and comments. Custome this page by adding fields, layouts, or visual components to make the information more user-friendly.

You can automate Workflow to minimize manual intervention and ensure consistent responses to all customer cases. It can be customized to assign cases to specific teams based on certain criteria, send automatic email notifications and alerts when cases are resolved, or create follow-up tasks for customer service reps. Integrating Salesforce Case Management with other applications such as ERP, accounting, and billing systems delivers a more comprehensive view of the customer. It also reduces data re-entry and improves data accuracy.

Training and support for Salesforce Case Management

For users who want to learn about Case Management in Salesforce, various resources are available that cover different aspects of the feature. The first point of reference is the Salesforce Help and Training portal, which provides a comprehensive guide to Case Management. This portal offers step-by-step tutorials, videos, and documentation on how to set up, configure, and use Case Management in a Salesforce org.

Another useful resource is the Salesforce Trailhead learning platform. It offers interactive and gamified learning paths that provide an engaging and practical approach to learning Case Management in Salesforce. The learning paths on Trailhead cover a range of topics, such as creating cases, managing cases, and automating case management, among others. It also provides badges and points to track progress and assess learning outcomes.

It is also worth noting that the training and support of learning enable case managers to advance their careers and assume leadership roles in the healthcare field. Through continuous professional development, case managers can improve their knowledge, skills, and competencies, which opens up opportunities for career advancement and growth.

Discover how Salesforce Case Management can centralize customer inquiries, automate processes, and improve response times.

Real-world examples of Salesforce Case Management

There are numerous successful examples of businesses that have successfully used Salesforce Case Management to their advantage.

One such example is KONE, a leading provider of elevators and escalators. With over 24,000 employees, the company was struggling to track customer cases efficiently. Salesforce Case Management allowed KONE to streamline its customer service process, prioritize cases, and provide consistent, high-quality customer service. The result is increased customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and operational efficiency.

Another example is the telecommunications company Vodafone. With over 450 million customers globally, the business faced challenges in efficiently managing customer cases and providing timely resolution. Case Management helped Vodafone to simplify its customer service process, reduce resolution time, and increase customer satisfaction. The result is a 30% increase in productivity and a 90% reduction in service costs.

Amazon implemented Case Management to improve its customer service experience by providing a single view of each customer's interactions with the company across multiple channels. This enabled Amazon to provide personalized service and resolve customer issues quickly, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The future of Case Management in Salesforce

The future of Case Management in Salesforce is bright, with continued innovation and evolution in response to the changing needs of businesses and their customers. As Salesforce continues to innovate and add new capabilities, businesses that leverage its case management tools will be well-positioned to provide outstanding customer service and drive growth.

Looking ahead, one trend that is likely to continue is the integration of AI and machine learning into Case Management workflows. As businesses seek to scale their customer service operations and manage increasing volumes of customer inquiries, AI-powered tools will become increasingly valuable in improving efficiency and reducing response times.

Additionally, there is likely to be an increased emphasis on data analytics. As businesses collect more data on customer service interactions and case resolution outcomes, they will be able to apply advanced analytics techniques to identify patterns and insights that can inform improvements to their processes.

Vladyslav Petrovych
Noltic's top tech guru, 18x certified Salesforce architect
Viktoriia Melnychuk
Content writer
“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” ― Stephen King
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