December 30, 2021
About Noltic

Noltic’s monetary donations 2021

In 2021, Noltic contributed $36 000 in total towards healthcare and education. For us, it means much more than just a responsible investment in the community. It is shaping our corporate culture.
illustration of holding hands

At Noltic, we believe all companies should incorporate social responsibility into their business strategy. In line with our beliefs, we take every chance to make this world a better place for us all. While this journey has no finish line in sight, we want to share the progress we made along the way for the last year.

In 2021, Noltic contributed $36 000 in total towards healthcare and education. As part of charity programs, our experts dedicated their time to teaching, building learning environments, and presenting personal grants for scholars and young people in need of medical care. These programs mean much more than just a responsible investment in the community. They are shaping our corporate culture.

Noltic's team

Noltic’s Monetary Donations impact in 2021:

  • $26 000 were invested in Noltic Learning Centre where everyone, from senior schoolchildren to senior developers, have an equal opportunity to get job-ready skills in Salesforce for free;
  • $6000 to support local universities and non-profit students organizations. Igor Petrovych, a Managing Partner at Noltic, has established a scholarship covering costs for a year of study at Applied Sciences, UСU. Also, we have donated to students’ projects such as The Career Fair at Ivan Franko Univerity, IT Day in Lviv Polytechnic, etc;
  • $4000 to help youth in need of special medical attention. Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Centre has received the donation to buy equipment for the X-ray permeable operating table, diagnostic equipment for cystoscopy and bronchoscopy, and reconstruction of wards in the surgery department. This was part of our annual winter fundraising initiative in collaboration with the charity organization “Kryla Nadiyi” within the IT St. Nicholas project. Nolticians donate as much as they can, and the company doubles the sum;
  • For the second consecutive year, we reaffirmed our participation in the Pledge 1%. This global movement encourages businesses worldwide to donate 1% of their product, profit, or employee time to foster charity and social programs.

“From day one, we’ve been a responsible company in everything we do — from how we deliver Salesforce solutions to how we operate inside the team and develop the community around us. In 2021, we aimed our social policy towards educational centers and youth healthcare to support those who need it.”

Igor Petrovych, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Noltic

Igor Petrovych
Noltic's manager of managers, 12x Salesforce certified architect
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About Noltic
Noltic invested a thousand volunteer hours into education in 2021
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