The go-to tool for tracking every field value update needed in business ops

Manage your expectations and build a KPI strategy around the results sorted by time and value of selected fields.
100% natively built in
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Get it now
tracky app

Feature set

Field tracking for SLA, audit, and compliance
Supports various field types including Long Text and Multiselect Picklist
Native Salesforce reporting
for audited data
Retains field history data
without expiration
Invocable Action to use in
custom flows
Configurable admin panel
with dashboards
Supports standard and
Custom objects
Prompt and secure in-org

A perfect ‘that’s how’ solution to issues like:

How do I get enough data and set the right KPI goals for my support team response time?
How do I perform purposeful audits of user data updates and ensure compliance?
How do I automate keeping track of specific data fields in my org and collect the records?

Customize & Track

Tracky offers a very customizable configuration of which objects or fields of objects to track and record changes for. It supports all custom objects and most standard objects.
Tracky tracks the field that was changed, OLD and NEW values, START and END timestamps to be able to calculate the period when a certain value was set.

Curious to learn more?

We have a document for you to discover available application features and get setup instructions
Check Out the User Guide
calendly booking for tracky app
Need to get a closer look at Tracky?
Request a Demo

What our users say

Testimonial Client - UK Atomic Energy Authority
“Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 23, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.”
Senior Scientific Equipment Officer
UK Atomic Energy Authority

Pricing options

Try out a free 2-week trial before committing to a monthly plan


1-15 licenses
per one user license within one business org
Select plan


16-49 licenses
per one user license within one business org
Select plan


50+ licenses
per one user license within one business org
Select plan


Does the feature set differ from plan to plan?
No, the feature set is the same in every plan we offer. The difference is between the number of licenses in your order – the more you purchase, the cheaper they get! Please be cautious – the licenses should belong to ONE Salesforce org/instance in order to be counted in one plan.
How do I select the right plan?
Please calculate the number of users in your org who would need access to Tracky. Depending on that number, you can select a corresponding plan. If you are eligible for Collection or Bundle options, please contact us at to receive a discount coupon as pricing is set to the Basic plan by default. In case of a mismatch between the selected plan and the number of licenses in the order, we might have to take corrective action.
Can I use any alternative payment method?
We offer payments via bank transfers. Other alternatives such as PayPal, Bitcoin, etc. are not currently available. Get in touch for more details.
Do you offer education and non-profit discounts?
Yes, we do! Get in touch to find out more.
My customers could benefit from your solution, can I resell it to them?
Yes, we are all for beneficial partnerships. Leave us a message to discuss referral options.

Contact us

Our team would love to help you find the best plan and answer your questions
Need technical or billing support with the package?
Reach out to
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Tracky app on Appexchange
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